Non-Profit Entities

Escritório de Contabilidade

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NBC-T-10.19 (Brazilian Accounting Standard – Technical) which encompasses non-profit companies, which establishes specific evaluation criteria and procedures, records of equity components and variations and structuring of financial statements, and the minimum information to be be disclosed in the explanatory note of non-profit entities.

These entities are those in which the positive result is not allocated to the holders of equity and the profit or loss are called, respectively, surplus or deficit.

They are constituted in the form of public or private foundations, or civil societies, in the categories of trade unions, cultural entities, class associations, political parties, bar associations, federal, regional and sectional councils of liberal professions, non-commercial sports clubs and other entities. The Fundamental Accounting Principles, Brazilian Accounting Standards and their Technical Interpretations and Technical Communications, published by the Federal Accounting Council, apply to these entities.

Where applicable, the guidelines of NBC T 10.4 – Foundations and NBC T 10.18 – Trade Unions and Trade Associations also apply. Income and expenses must be recognized monthly, respecting the Fundamental Accounting Principles, in particular the Principles of Opportunity and Competence. These Entities must establish a provision in an amount sufficient to cover expected losses, based on an estimate of their probable realizable values, and lower the prescribed, uncollectible and amnesty amounts.

Donations, grants and funding contributions are recorded in revenue accounts. Donations, subsidies and equity contributions, including those collected when the entity was formed, are recorded in the company's assets; these accounts must be recorded using a suitable document. Accounting records must show income and expense accounts, surplus or deficit, in a segregated manner, when identifiable by type of activity, such as education, health, social assistance, technical-scientific and others, as well as commercial, industrial or services provision. Income from donations, subsidies and contributions received for a specific application, whether or not funds are constituted, must be recorded in separate accounts segregated from the entity's other accounts.

The value of the surplus or deficit for the year must be recorded in the Surplus or Deficit for the Year account until approved by the assembly of members and after its approval, it must be transferred to the Social Equity account.

When applying accounting standards, especially NBC T 3, the Capital account must be replaced by Social Equity, part of the Net Equity group, and the Accumulated Profits or Losses account by Surplus or Deficit for the Year.



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