Services and solutions
Preparation and review of monthly and annual ledgers, balance sheets and financial statements, Financial Statements as provided for by the CRC and CFC, SPED Accounting and Accounting and Financial Consulting.
Main and accessory obligations such as: SPED Fiscal and EFD Contributions, ECF, DCTF, Per/Dcomp, e-Credac, GIA, DAPI, DIME, Administrative Tax Defenses, Calculation of direct (IRPJ/CSLL) and indirect (PIS, COFINS) taxes , IPI – future IBS after tax reform) and (ISSQN and ICMS future CBS after tax reform)
Labor and Social Security
Admission, Payroll, Vacations, Termination Process, Releases and E-Social Conference, DCTF Web, DIRF, FGTS, Labor Consulting, Social Security and Retirement.
Opening, changes and closures of Legal Entities, Corporate Reorganization (Incorporation, Merger and Spin-Off), Tax Planning, Asset and/or Operational Holding and Tender Support.
Tax and Social Security Consulting and Auditing
With excellence in service, we offer tax consultancy with expertise and agility in delivering tax recovery or tax planning, tax diagnosis, proposing ideas for reducing the tax burden and surveying and monetizing Federal, State, Municipal or Social Security tax credits. Through specific technology, we perform: tax audits, reviews of direct and indirect taxes, surveying tax credits, rectification of accessory obligations, preparation of Per/Dcomp, e-Credac, request for special regimes such as: Import, Drawback, RECOF.
Accounting Audit
We provide independent audit services that offer benefits for management, improvement of internal processes, and reliability of financial information for decision-making. Using our methodology, we perform independent audits of financial statements that deliver efficient results, regardless of your business, whether small, medium or large, operations or location.
Human Resources Management and benefits
In the labor area, we seek to balance the company's costs with what is best for the employee, always aiming to follow the requirements of the CLT and labor conventions. We operate with constant updates and the best systems for the area. Guidance on leaves, vacation calculation and 13th salary and we also manage benefits such as Meal Voucher (VR) and Transport Voucher (VT), life insurance and even health plan.
Brands and patents
In order to support the registration of your brand, we provide assistance for registration with the INPI (National Institute of Industrial Property) carried out by experienced professionals. Thus, all the information passed on after the analysis aims to guide you as an entrepreneur in making the best decision, as all points regarding the application for registration of your brand are raised, whether or not the brand is free for registration.
We serve all the cities of Brazil.
In any city in the country you can count on our services and solutions.
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