Book on Tax Reform!


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Our partner Renato Barbosa Silva, published the book on the topic “Taxes in Brazil and Tax Reform”. A true guide on the importance of taxes and their fundamental source of revenue, allowing readers to reflect on the country's current tax and fiscal scenario and its effects on personal and business routines.

Available at the Editora Dialética store: and in the main bookstores and marketplaces in Brazil.


In summary, after the tax reform approved in Brazil in December 2023, a new journey begins in the area of taxes and their collections, the simplification of taxes provides for the replacement of five taxes (PIS, Cofins and IPI, under federal jurisdiction; and ICMS and ISS) of state and municipal jurisdiction respectively by a Value Added Tax (VAT).

In this sense, this work is aimed at professionals, businesspeople, students, researchers and other people interested in the importance of taxes in the economic and social context of Brazil. See in this work the history of taxes in Brazil, questions and answers about Tax Reform, comments from professionals and businesspeople in Brazil, the main challenges, perspectives, recommendations, comparisons and studies on the system and tax reform, especially technologies related to tax and financial audit operations, a summary of the national tax system and its evolution throughout the country's history, tax reform proposals and their impacts on the daily lives of citizens and companies.

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